I had actually never considered the angle of this being in some ways educational for us. That we listen to be more aware, but I like that angle a lot!

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Yes! Frustratingly I can't seem to find the study anymore, but I once read a whole piece of research that was created by speaking to people imprisoned for attacking/killing women as to what makes them more or less likely to choose a person. It had all sorts of findings on whther to make eye contact, whether to scream or run, whether to wear your hair up or down. It was so useful and really stuck with me!

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ahh that sounds so interesting! Let me know if you find it, I need to know so I can get that info in my subconscious!

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I will! 🫶🏼

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What does it say about me that my first inclination was "ok what new true crime pods/docs/shows" can I find out from this post? 🤣

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Hahah, don't worry—you're not alone! It's a huuuugely captivating subject

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Not a watch I'd recommend, but Don't F*ck with Cats had some commentary in it from the police forces involved about how the curious commenter could be disrupting the way crime is viewed and how justice is carried out. I think the normalisation of our exposure to the details of true crime stories makes us feel entitled to the details in real life too. Hard to not make things political, but MP Jess Philips in the UK said something recently about how this phenomenon gets in the way of justice too - anyway, very interesting read!

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Ah, I've watched DFWC but not for a while so I'd forgotten the details! Yeah, that's such an interesting take isn't it? And on the flip side (not that it's new news anymore) but back in the day, shows like Forensic Files and CSI: Crime Scene Investigation basically handed murderers the knowledge of how to get away with these kinds of crimes more easily. You forget that someone like me is just fascinated by the drama of it all, when someone else could be...taking notes 😬

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Aug 11Liked by Alanna Duffield

Very interesting. The crimes are anything but ethical. I admit that I love this kind of show, but it's pure, unadulterated curiosity. I'm highly sensitive, yet I enjoy seeing just how far human behavior can deviate. I don't understand it, I don't condone it, but it interests me. What’s twisted is the people who have affection for criminals. And there are some! In this kind of show, no one thinks about the victims and their families. Netflix chose Evan Peters to play Dahmer. Suddenly, the monster turns into a sex fantasy for some. The murderer becomes lovable. And that's the problem!

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I’m so with you on the human psyche element: I find it incredibly interesting to hear about really unhinged decision-making, whether that’s committing a serious, cheating on someone you love, etc etc. I think because I myself am so careful and considered (too much so probably!) I find the opposite really interesting

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Committing a serious *crime 🙄😂

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I love the idea to make true crime consumption more ethical. I'll definitely pay more attention to how the next true crime show I watch treats the victims

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Yay, im glad you like the idea!

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